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LUPOMOVE® PUPPY – Le programme innovant de développement et de prophylaxie pour les chiots

Prophylaxie orthopédique – pour la bonne croissance du chiot, pour les vétérinaires et les profanes. Avec des radiographies et du matériel d’illustration.
Dr Patrick Blättler Monnier, vétérinaire progressiste, a constaté très tôt dans sa carrière qu’on n’accordait pas assez d’importance au rôle de la prophylaxie dans le traitement. En se basant sur sa longue expérience professionnelle et ses recherches, il démontre dans cet ouvrage l’importance de la prévention dans la pratique vétérinaire.
À l’aide de supports multimédias et de matériels pratiques concrets, Dr Blättler Monnier indique où se trouvent les angles morts de la médecine – et comment y remédier. Avec des vidéos claires qui peuvent être consultées via un code QR, ainsi que des plans d’entraînement, des connaissances médicales et des conseils pour chaque jour, 

  1. nouvelles connaissances scientifiques 
  2. introduction à l’orthopédie 
  3. les modifications de la forme et de la fonction (FFV) 
  4. la neurophysiologie du mouvement 
  5. la dysplasie de la hanche 
  6. le relâchement de la hanche, la cinématique et la classification IA (Intelligence Artificielle) 
  7. le diagnostic précoce de la dysplasie de la hanche chez les chiots (16 à 20 semaines de vie) 
  8. LupoMove® Puppy 
  9. l’alimentation du chiot 
  10. l’entraînement à la longe
  11. protection des chiots contre le froid et la chaleur

Nous aidons les vétérinaires, les propriétaires de chiens, les physiothérapeutes et tous ceux en contacts avec des chiens. Des séquences vidéo de mouvements, des radiographies et des protocoles de mesures cinématiques permettent d’expliquer les connaissances médicales de manière claire et multimédia.

Car la prophylaxie agit avant que les troubles n’apparaissent – c’est pourquoi notre programme de prévention comprend

  • Programme d’exercice et d’entraînement pendant la croissance primaire et secondaire,
  • Régulation de la quantité et de la qualité de la croissance,
  • Alimentation saine et adaptée au chien,
  • Régulation du système immunitaire, du métabolisme et des hormones,
  • Prophylaxie de diverses maladies, notamment orthopédiques.

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Maintenant disponible : The new book by Dr. med. vet. Patrick Blättler Monnier!

Whether the latest developments in orthopaedic prophylaxis, nutrition and health or preventive care in different dog ages: in « LUPOMOVE® PUPPY – THE INNOVATIVE CONSTRUCTION AND PROPHYLAXE PROGRAMME FOR DOGS » Blättler Monnier shares his knowledge of veterinary medicine for dogs gained from many years of professional and research experience. Addressing both veterinarians and lay people, he presents innovative diagnostic and treatment procedures whose implementation in everyday practice is an enrichment for all parties involved. The focus is on the LupoMove® Puppy programme he developed, which, with the help of mobile gait analysis, embodies his call for a paradigm shift within veterinary medicine and the preference for non-invasiv, prophylactic treatment methods. 

The book also offers a wide range of intriguing topics for dog owners. For example, in the context of maintaining, strengthening and regaining health in dogs, the author presents evidence-based advice on the early detection of medically abnormal behaviour and appropriate therapeutic methods, as well as age- and breed-appropriate nutrition, exercise type and duration for puppies.

The book includes informative graphics, photographs and x-rays, as well as videos that can be called up via QR code, which visualise practical examples of the problems described and illustrate the topics clearly.


We will keep you updated at www.4dvets.de and LinkedIn!

Bientôt disponible : Dr. med. vet. Patrick Blättler Monnier, LUPOMOVE® PUPPY

The aim of orthopaedics is not merely to remedy emergency situations. It is designed to make an early identification of disorders of form and function, to prevent their progression and to correct them using modern therapeutic procedures.”

The plea for innovation in the field of veterinary orthopaedics, a break with outdated principles about the causes of hip and elbow dysplasia and a paradigm shift in their diagnosis form the perspective framework within which Swiss veterinarian and specialist in canine orthopaedics Dr. med. vet. Patrick Blättler Monnier’s new book LUPOMOVE® PUPPY THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND PROPHYLAXIS PROGRAMME FOR PUPPIES sheds new light on the subject of skeletal disorders in puppies and young dogs.

Underpinned by visual examples from his own practice, the veterinary specialist addresses the question of the “right” duration of movement for puppies, the importance of prevention, early performance of functional movement diagnostics as well as targeted therapy, and presents the advantages of including biomechanics and kinematics in the field of canine orthopaedics.

The focus of the book is the promotion of a healthy anatomical and physiological development of the puppy – a goal for which Dr. Blättler Monnier presents an effective and sustainable concept: LupoMove® Puppy.

Based on many years of professional experience and research in the fields of biomechanics, kinematics and movement diagnostics, results from evidence-based studies (e.g., his own “Puppy Study”, the build-up of puppies from the 12th week of life to 15-month-old young dogs) and the application of modern technologies from interdisciplinary fields, the author presents his innovative prophylaxis programme developed specifically for this purpose. LupoMove® Puppy is designed to identify skeletal disorders at an early stage and treat them with the help of an individually designed, manual-orthopaedic and kinematically controlled build-up and training plan. At the same time, the programme supports the prevention of conditions such as hip and elbow dysplasia, osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) and panosteitis in young dogs and promotes age-appropriate implementation of the movement and activity curve.

LUPOMOVE® PUPPY is intended not only to serve as a resource for veterinarians and those interested in medicine who wish to expand their knowledge in the field of canine orthopaedics and the diagnosis of hip dysplasia and other skeletal disorders, but also to help motivate the veterinary spirit of inquiry and innovation, to look beyond entrenched views in the veterinary field and to open oneself to the benefits of integrating new diagnostic and cross-disciplinary methods.


We will keep you updated at www.4dvets.de and LinkedIn!