Cause on the left, limping on the right

Barbara with Cally, eight-year-old German Shepherd, Great Britain

“Weighing only 22 kg, Cally was rescued when she was around four years old. She was emaciated and had radiographically diagnosed severe hip dysplasia and arthritis.

At first, her condition improved with a multimodal approach of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, joint supplements, platelet-rich plasma, hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy, as well as home modifications. However, three years after initiating treatment, Cally began to limp in the front right and did not respond to additional pain medication. Physical examination by the treating veterinarian did not reveal any specific problems concerning the right leg.

With the help of LupoGait®, our physiotherapist was able to identify specific gait problems stemming from the left hip and pelvis. X-rays confirmed that her left hip was worse than the right. A plan was developed to manipulate and treat the left pelvis as well as the front limbs and upper spine. Over the course of a few months, Cally’s gait improved significantly and the limp in the front right was almost non-existent.

The improvement in Cally’s gait and her general behaviour and well-being have exceeded all expectations. It is a great relief to know that my German Shepherd is a much happier dog with more confidence and that with LupoGait® we have another tool to treat her condition.”
Thankfully, Cally has recently resumed her mantrailing classes.

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