Press articles

Dog 2 | 2020

Sudden limping in puppies

Many puppies show unequal load distribution due to asymmetrical weight support. This problem tends to manifest itself in different gait lengths, which can often only be revealed by specific movement diagnostics such as LupoGait®.

Dog 3 | 2020

No surgery as “a shot in the dark”

Jalo had been limping since he was ten weeks old. The X-rays showed no findings. Then he began to hop. LupoGait® revealed: Jalo had a shortened hind leg with reduced muscle mass and suffered from a displaced pelvic axis.

Animalworld 5 | 2020

Early detection means a carefree run

Many dogs suffer from a genetic predisposition to elbow or hip dysplasia. These and other skeletal disorders can also be caused by malnutrition or excessive physical strain in puppyhood.

Swiss Dog Magazine 6 | 2020

Preventing arthrosis with movement diagnostics

Jools suddenly showed pass gait. Later, overuse symptoms appeared in her back. Manual therapy and dietary changes brought relief, but only the functional movement diagnostic system LupoGait® was able to show a clear picture.

Basler Zeitung 3 | 2021

Dogs wish for a pain-free, healthy stride

The Swiss start-up company 4Dvets AG has developed a mobile gait analysis system for dogs that objectively diagnoses diseases of the musculoskeletal system and offers help in deciding on a therapy.